On June 5, 2017, DVA secretary David Shulkin announced that the Department of Veterans Affairs would adopt the same electronic health records management system as the Department of Defense, called MHS GENESIS (https://health.mil/mhsgenesis). The primary motivation is to permit the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) to communicate and exchange information between the DVA and DoD health records.
In the past, the DVA attempted to adapt their existing VHA electronic management system so to permit the exchange of information with the DoD, however, it was later determined that the two systems could not communicate with one another. For those interested, the Government Accountability Office released a report in to 2014 explaining the history of the attempted VHA and DoD system integration at http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-14-302.
A link to Secretary Shulkin’s press release can be found at the following link: http://www.blogs.va.gov/VAntage/38637/va-secretary-announces-decision-next-generation-electronic-health-record/