What is a Special Needs Trust and How Could Your Child Benefit?
Planning for the future of a child with disabilities involves unique considerations. One essential tool that can provide significant benefits is a special needs trust. This type of trust can ensure that your child has the supplemental financial resources they need without jeopardising their eligibility for means-tested government benefits. In this guide, we will explore what a special needs...

Caring for Children with Special Needs: 10 Legal Tips for Securing Their Future
Securing the future for children with special needs requires careful legal planning and foresight. As disability law attorneys based in New Jersey, we are wholly dedicated to representing clients who are caring for people with special needs.
With this responsibility in mind, we believe it’s important to share these 10 legal tips for securing the future of children with special needs.
Special Needs Trusts continue to be Vital for People with Disabilities
The term “special needs trust” is used to refer to a trust that’s for benefit of a person with disabilities who depends on means-tested public benefits that have income limits or resource/asset limits. Sometimes these are “first party trusts” — created by the disabled person (over age 18) or his parent, grandparent, or guardian with court permission, or by a...
Petitions for Guardianship can still be Filed despite current difficulties
Advance planning with powers of attorney and health care powers of attorney is a good way to ensure that there is an authorized person to handle things and make decisions should a person become incapacitated due to stroke, accident or dementia. Of course there are plenty of situations in which no such documents were ever signed. When a person without such planning documents becomes...
CARES Act Cash Payments Raise Questions for SSI and Medicaid
As the CARES Act implementation gears up, one question that we elder law attorneys have had was how the cash payments would affect ongoing eligibility for means-tested benefits like SSI and Medicaid. These are the “economic impact payments” being sent to taxpayers. If you get benefits from a program with a resource limit of $2000 and you get another $1,200 automatically, will...
County Surrogates Offices are working remotely, but some procedures are suspended
The Middlesex County NJ Assignment Judge has issued a Notice with details concerning procedures for filing and handling of cases in Middlesex County now that the courts are closed to in-person proceedings. mcba_county_procedures_3-31- Depending on the court, cases can be initiated electronically or by mail or drop off in an outside mailbox; mail is being held for 24 hours before...
LifeTown: a special downtown for individuals with special needs
An innovative community service for people with special needs was recently opened in Essex County called “LifeTown: The Jerry Gottesman Center” in Livingston. It’s like a mini-mall filled with shops such as a pet store, a book store, a bank, a movie theater and a food market, as well as recreational venues including a music studio, basketball court and more. Evidently...
New Social Security policy creates confusion over Special Needs Trusts
The Social Security Administration has published a new policy requirement concerning Special Needs Trusts in the form of a provision in its POMS . The new POMS states that attorney fees charged for preparation of certain trusts for individuals who are now receiving, or may in the future receive SSI, must be approved by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
POMS Link:...
New Jersey issues Guidance on ABLE accounts and Medicaid
Hot off the presses, the State of New Jersey has just released its Med-Com concerning the treatment of ABLE accounts by the New Jersey Medicaid programs. Here it is – Med-Com 19-09 ABLE Act
Up to $305,000 that is held in an ABLE account will be excluded from consideration as a “resource” for purposes of NJ Medicaid programs (the limits is $100,000 for SSI). The accounts can...
Tips on designing a guardianship plan
What are the responsibilities of a Guardian of the person and property of an incapacitated individual? The Guardian is expected to fulfill a broad array of obligations, since the Guardian is responsible to arrange for and oversee the financial and personal well-being of the person under guardianship. Each individual is unique, with her or her own preferences, likes and dislikes, and cultural...