Total dependence not required for a medicaid caregiver child exemption for house transfer
This post is about “Medicaid caregiver child house transfers,” as they are commonly known.
Readers of this blog know that when a person applies for long-term care benefits under the MLTSS Medicaid program, they will generally be denied benefits for a period of time if they transferred (gifted) assets during the 5-year look-back...
Continuous residence in USA not prerequisite for Medicaid eligibility for previously-qualified alien
One of the threshold eligibility requirements for Medicaid has to do with legal status. N.J.S.A. 30:4D-3(q)(1)(a). If a person is an alien (non-citizen) with the status of a Legal Permanent Resident (LPR) (“green card holder”) who was present in the United States prior to August 22, 1996, s/he is eligible to apply for Medicaid (and receive “full Medicaid benefits” if...