New Jersey Takes Action to Modify Medicaid Program for COVID-19
New Jersey’s Medicaid program normally has a lot of rules and red tape. Some of the rules relate to who meets the level of care for Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) and some relate to financial eligibility. All of these rules require travel and manpower to implement that may not be available during this pandemic emergency.
Federal Medicaid law has a type of waiver of Medicaid...
Arbitration Clauses in Nursing Home Contracts may be upheld
Under some circumstances, courts have refused to uphold arbitration provisions in nursing home contracts. Oftentimes, these provisions are upheld. There are a variety of considerations, including the legal authority of the person who signed the contract; the adequacy of notice; the opportunity to read and consider the contract before signing; and other factors. In Estate of Ruszala vs...
What Can Your Elder Law Attorney Do for You?
If your family is struggling with the difficult decisions regarding nursing home placement or ongoing disability, Medicaid eligibility, or a need for in-home care, the elder law attorneys at FRE-L can assist you with many of the steps in that process. You may be wondering whether to engage an elder law attorney or to work with an application processer recommended by a nursing home. First and...