True or False? Try this New Jersey Medicaid Quiz
Test your knowledge about nursing homes and the Medicaid-Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) program that pays for nursing home care, assisted living and part-time home care for eligible people.
Does a person’s monthly income have to be less than $2,901 to apply for Medicaid-MLTSS?
Will the State take the house if a married person moves into a nursing home and their spouse is still at...
Good Reasons to Hire an Elder Law Attorney before a Nursing Home Placement is Made
The following story will illustrate why you should call an elder law attorney before a nursing home placement is made to try and avoid what happened to my client who I will call “Mary.”
True or False? try this New Jersey Medicaid Quiz
Test your knowledge about nursing homes and the Medicaid-MLTSS program that pays for nursing home care, assisted living and part-time home care.
Does a person’s monthly income have to be less than $2,313 (2,349 in 2020) to apply for Medicaid-MLTSS?
Will the State take one-half the house if a married person moves into a nursing home?
Does a married person have to sign over or pay...
A title search is a useful tool in elder care planning
“My Mother wants to transfer the house to us.” Preserving family assets through transfers of ownership is part of the big picture of elder care legal planning. We look at who owns what, how it’s owned, whether there are any restrictions or liens, and how to cover the costs of care after assets are transferred. From time to time a client has a different ownership interest in...
Marinaro secures Court reversal of Medicaid denial where the proof required by DMAHS just didn’t exist
The burden to prove eligibility for Medicaid rests with the applicant, but sometimes, the agency just refuses to accept the evidence they are given. This is demonstrated in a recent New Jersey case in which a denial of benefits was reversed by the Appellate court. The decision is “not approved for publication ,” which means it doesn’t establish a precedent that’s...
Guidebook available regarding common nursing home problems
Justice in Aging is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to fighting for the rights and interests of poor elderly people in the United States. The organization has just released a free guidebook called “25 Common Nursing Home Problems and How to Resolve them.” Click here to find out how to get this publication.
Readers of this blog are aware that skilled nursing facilities/...
The Landscape has changed for Guardianship in New Jersey
Procedures for filing for Guardianship are changing in New Jersey as a result of amendments to the Court rules that were effective 9-1-2016. The Rules are at N.J.R. 4:86-1 to 4:86-10. Guardianship petitions now must be initiated using a specific set of forms that have been prepared by the Administrative Office of the Courts. A Guardianship Monitoring Program is being established in each...
What if the Medicaid home care services aren’t provided? part II
Previously I blogged about the problems faced by Medicaid-eligible people living in home and community-based settings when there isn’t a sufficient provider network to provide the services needed to maintain them in their residences, or there is substantial delay in getting the services started. The issue is that the government is obligated to provide the services in the...
Some trust assets may disqualify a Medicaid applicant
One friend tells another, “Put your assets in a trust so the nursing home won’t take them.” But this technique isn’t necessarily the “magic bullet.” The concept of countable assets and resources is broader under Medicaid law than it is under some other bodies of law. Placing your assets into a trust structure might avoid some problems — like probate...
There are some limits on what Guardians in NJ can do without court approval
A Legal Guardian is a person appointed by a court to be the decision-maker for a person who is incapacitated as defined by law, and unable to manage all or some of his/her affairs. The court rules provide the complex procedures (N.J. R. 4:86-1 et seq), but the powers and duties of the guardian, as well as further details about how the court has to handle the case, are found in the statutes,...