Good Reasons to Hire an Elder Law Attorney before a Nursing Home Placement is Made
The following story will illustrate why you should call an elder law attorney before a nursing home placement is made to try and avoid what happened to my client who I will call “Mary.”
Navigating the Coordination of Medicaid benefits with other benefits
Generally speaking, the Medicaid program is the payor of last resort. If an individual is eligible for Medicare as his or her primary health insurance, Medicare would be the primary payor for medical needs, and Medicaid would become the secondary payor for any remainder. If an individual maintains a “medi-gap” insurance policy, that policy would be secondary and Medicaid would be...
Please! Set up that QIT before filing the Medicaid application!
“What on earth is a QIT?” Under the New Jersey Medicaid program, there are some extra hoops to jump through when the applicant’s gross monthly income from all sources exceeds $2,205.00. This number is colloquially referred to as the “income cap,” and up until late 2014, it created a hard barrier to eligibility for home and community-based Medicaid services for...