True or False? Try this New Jersey Medicaid Quiz
Test your knowledge about nursing homes and the Medicaid-Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) program that pays for nursing home care, assisted living and part-time home care for eligible people.
Does a person’s monthly income have to be less than $2,901 to apply for Medicaid-MLTSS?
Will the State take the house if a married person moves into a nursing home and their spouse is still at...
The 2022 “Medicaid Numbers” you need to know in New Jersey
The NJ Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services (DMAHS) has released Medicaid Communication #22-01 which provides the new numbers that are relevant to applications for Medicaid Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) benefits. 22-01_Income_and_Resource_Standards_for_Medicaid_Only (1) MLTSS pays for nursing home care (skilled nursing facilities), Assisted Living Facilities and...