True or False? Try this New Jersey Medicaid Quiz
Test your knowledge about nursing homes and the Medicaid-Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) program that pays for nursing home care, assisted living and part-time home care for eligible people.
Does a person’s monthly income have to be less than $2,901 to apply for Medicaid-MLTSS?
Will the State take the house if a married person moves into a nursing home and their spouse is still at...
True or False? try this New Jersey Medicaid Quiz
Test your knowledge about nursing homes and the Medicaid-MLTSS program that pays for nursing home care, assisted living and part-time home care.
Does a person’s monthly income have to be less than $2,313 (2,349 in 2020) to apply for Medicaid-MLTSS?
Will the State take one-half the house if a married person moves into a nursing home?
Does a married person have to sign over or pay...