Avoiding the Risk of Medicaid Liens
Individuals who receive Medicaid to pay for nursing home care, assisted living or in-home care must meet stringent financial requirements. The non-excluded or inaccessible resources cannot exceed $2,000 at the time of application, and as of the first day of each successive calendar month, must be below that limit in order to maintain eligibility. What resources are “excluded” or...
“Have you Talked to an Elder Law Attorney yet?”
The world can feel like a confusing, tangled mess when a loved one has dementia and needs to be discharged from a hospital with a major care plan in place. There are so many options, and hospital staff are in a huge hurry the minute the doctor signs the order clearing the patient for discharge. Staff speak in “shorthand,” using code words or acronyms that the patient’s family may not...
Spring Cleaning Time
Spring time is when people often take a look around and start freshening things up. Home repairs, paint jobs, new furniture, new clothes, maybe a different haircut…… there’s something about seeing the new buds on trees and the blooming daffodils that gets us thinking this way.
It’s the perfect time to pull out your old estate plan...
Ershow-Levenberg Joins Union County Advisory Board on the Disabled
Did you know that Union County has an Advisory Board on the Disabled that advises County government on issues related to people with disabilities? The Board has eleven members, and Linda Ershow-Levenberg has just been appointed to the Board. Members who receive information from the public about disability-related challenges will present the information to the County Commissioners for...
A Guardianship doesn’t have to go on forever
A Guardian of the Person or Guardian of the Estate is appointed by a Court in a situation where an individual is found to be presently “incapacitated” and unable to manage their affairs regarding financial, residential, medical, occupational and other major decisions. If the individual previously signed a durable general power of attorney or medical power of attorney, there...
Do you know where your Estate Plan is?
The building blocks of an estate plan are the Last Will & Testament, financial power of attorney, medical power of attorney, and various kinds of Trusts. Based on a client’s instructions, the attorney typically creates drafts for the client’s review and approval. Once the client and attorney are in sync about all of the provisions...
Good Reasons to Hire an Elder Law Attorney before a Nursing Home Placement is Made
The following story will illustrate why you should call an elder law attorney before a nursing home placement is made to try and avoid what happened to my client who I will call “Mary.”
Careful Consideration Should Go into Making Decisions Regarding Nursing Home Placement
If you need to select a nursing home for a loved one, there are several factors you should take into consideration.
Ways to Show that you Love your Family
A few years ago, my husband and I sat down with all of our children and their spouses for a family meeting. I started with, “Our plan is to live forever. But just in case ………” and we proceeded to tell them about our new estate plan, who would have which responsibility, where important data is kept, who takes care of things for us, who our doctors are, and who to...

What to do when a Medicaid Application is wrongfully denied
The process to apply for MLTSS/Medicaid to pay for in-home care, nursing home care and assisted living is grueling. There’s no denying that. Producing all the records to the County Board of Social Services, and explaining every single financial transaction that occurred during the 60 month look-back period, can be brutally difficult, if not downright impossible. As you can imagine,...