County Surrogates Offices are working remotely, but some procedures are suspended
The Middlesex County NJ Assignment Judge has issued a Notice with details concerning procedures for filing and handling of cases in Middlesex County now that the courts are closed to in-person proceedings. mcba_county_procedures_3-31- Depending on the court, cases can be initiated electronically or by mail or drop off in an outside mailbox; mail is being held for 24 hours before...
Nursing Home FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions About Nursing Home Care & Medicaid
Practice Area: Medicaid, Elder LawQ: What should I look for when selecting a nursing home?A: Important criteria are –Proximity to familyQuality of care (state surveys or Better Business Bureau reports)Quality of the...
Federal Court issues injunction against State of NJ in Medicaid case involving irrevocable annuity
Judge William Martini of the Federal District Court for the District of New Jersey has issued a preliminary injunction barring the New Jersey Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services (DMAHS) from treating a certain type of annuity contract as a countable resource in connection with a Medicaid application. The case is JANE CUSHING, by her attorney-in-fact, Evelyn Fornale vs. Jennifer...
COVID Emergency Highlights Importance of POLST
One of the most heartbreaking things about this emergency is the prohibition of in person visitation of loved ones who were already declining in facilities. Communication with facilities is less than ideal. Now, more than ever, healthcare workers need to know where legal decision-makers stand on treatments and possible interventions, because one never knows when COVID-19 will take hold.
COVID-19 Emergency Means Making Tax and Insurance Decisions
As COVID-19 affects employment nationwide, more New Jerseyans will need to make strategic decisions about health insurance and tax filing this year. Marketplace insurance and MAGI Medicaid are based on your 2020 Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI). There is special enrollment for a change in employment status. MAGI will include any unemployment you collect as well as any distributions from...
County Surrogates Modify Hours and Practices in Response to COVID-19
Much of our work in the area of guardianships, probate and estate administration involves our County Surrogates. As we continue to adjust to working with COVID-19, be aware that each Surrogate Office is adjusting their hours and policies to deal with the pandemic. The overview of changed hours and policies in each county can be found here. In Union County, the new hours are Mon. & Thurs....
NJ Supreme Court issues Notice concerning Courts and Cases
The latest release by the NJ Supreme Court outlines the latest rules concerning trials, scheduling, closings, and so on which will affect cases, lawyers and litigants throughout New Jersey. Cases can still be filed but numerous adjustments are being made to the deadlines and procedures. Emergencies can be addressed, and all matters are going to be handled by telephone or videoconferencing....
Resources to help you with COVID-19 related logistics
You are no doubt encountering questions and challenges right now related to everything from employment to health insurance to online bill-paying to gaining access to your loved ones in health care facilities.Here we compile some really useful sources and we hope you’ll take a few minutes to click through to find information you can use for your situation.
Resources from NJ Department of...
New Jersey Takes Action to Modify Medicaid Program for COVID-19
New Jersey’s Medicaid program normally has a lot of rules and red tape. Some of the rules relate to who meets the level of care for Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) and some relate to financial eligibility. All of these rules require travel and manpower to implement that may not be available during this pandemic emergency.
Federal Medicaid law has a type of waiver of Medicaid...
3-night stay requirement waived for Medicare Part A subacute benefits
Medicare Part A covers post-hospitalization, subacute skilled care and rehabilitation benefits for individuals who were admitted to the hospital and remained as inpatients for at least three overnights. Upon discharge to a subacute facility with a need for ongoing skilled nursing or rehabilitative services, Medicare would cover up to 100 days of treatment including the room & board costs,...