Elder Care Town Hall – Call with questions Thursday at 7 p.m.
Thursday night, 27 June, we’re taking your questions live on New Jersey 101.5 FM and via Facebook at Facebook.com/NJ1015.
Call 800-283-1015 to talk to us in the New Jersey 101.5 studio.
Lauren S. Marinaro Presents on Variety of Elder Law Topics in 2019
At NJ NAELA’s Unprogram on April 10, 2019 in Morristown, New Jersey, Lauren S. Marinaro presented and facilitated a member discussion group on the Affordable Care Act, Expansion Medicaid eligibility and Medicare. The discussion focused on the eligibility differences between being on Medicaid through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and being on Aged, Blind, and Disabled Medicaid, as well as how...
Programs to Achieve Self-Support (PASS) Accounts are an Underutilized Tool
Recently I attended a national NAELA seminar where I was re-introduced to the PASS account program. What is a PASS account? This SSA program allows a disabled individual who wants to make a plan to have a new career or job to divert their own existing income and assets from any source to a designated account to pay the expenses of this plan. The expenses can include college tuition,...
The Secret Life of Pet Trusts is a Heartwarming Tail!
A few weeks ago, I took my kids to see The Secret Life of Pets. It was cute, fun and the kids loved it. Of course, when I take my kids to the movies, my elder law brain has to go with me. So, spoiler alert, there was a pet in the movie who had an older owner who had died. This put the pet in a vulnerable position. Wacky hi-jinks ensue, and all is well at the end. But my brain goes to, wow,...