Estate Planning Documents Play a Vital Role in the Life (and Death) of an Unmarried Couple
If you are in a non-traditional relationship — i.e., the unmarried couple living together for years, whether gay, straight or anyone in between — don’t you want to be the one who decides who takes care of you or manages your decisions if some catastrophe occurs? Of course you do. But if you don’t set up a plan, and you just “leave it up to the law,” the exact opposite of your...
Governor Murphy Signs “LGBTQI+ Senior Bill of Rights” into Law
On March 3, 2021, Governor Murphy signed into law the LGBTQI+ Senior Bill of Rights, a sweeping civil rights law aimed at protecting New Jersey’s LGBTQI+ seniors living or thinking about moving into one of New Jersey’s 360+ long-term care facilities.
Tell All of Your Friends — Open Enrollment Under the Affordable Care Act Starts February 15th!
The Biden-Harris administration has just announced that they are creating a new open enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act. This will be for three months to start February 15th. The announcement is exciting. There are still way too many American going without medical insurance. Here’s the press release.
The online portal to find...
What’s a Virtual Visitation Coordinator?
The covid-19 pandemic has produced many new occupational categories. One of them is the “virtual visitation coordinator,” a role that’s encouraged for New Jersey’s nursing homes. Executive Order 20-026 in Section I.7iv (at pages 4-5) describes the function and responsibilities of this person. Of course, this role may...
In-Person Visitation in Nursing Facilities available to Essential Caregivers
Governor Murphy’s Executive Order No. 20-026 contains the rules for visitation in skilled nursing facilities, among other issues. Section III(4)(c)(3) provides in-person visitation opportunity for people who are deemed to be “essential caregivers.” What’s that all about?
An “essential caregiver” is ” an individual who was previously...
NJ Covid-19 Information Hub — sign up for emails
You may not be aware of it, but the State of New Jersey has an “information hub” pertaining to Covid-19 issues. You can sign up to be on its email list so that you receive regular updates. If you go to the hub site and scroll down on the home page you’ll find the sign-up box.
For those who are watching over the care of loved...
Limited Visitation for nursing home residents ALLOWED at end of life AND Certain transitional Situations
Since early in the pandemic there have been strict rules that bar in-person visits within nursing care facilities. A client spoke with me recently asking about the parameters for the end-of-life exception to the restrictive policy. The State has adopted a policy, but each facility sets the hours and procedures. Facilities are classified according to their “outbreak status,” which...
Adult Adoption is Some Very Happy Estate Planning
A few months ago I was able to do something a little different for an Elder Law attorney. I got to put through an Adult Adoption of an individual who essentially was a “child” to a couple but was not officially so. Doing this had some very strong upside for the couple’s estate planning in light of New Jersey’s Inheritance...
Applicants for MLTSS/Medicaid need to be clinically eligible as well as financially eligible in order to receive payment for services. Financial eligibility is within the applicant’s control — usually — but to get the proof of clinical eligibility that’s required by the program, a “Pre-Admission Screening” or...
Ideas to help your parents age safely at home
“Aging in place” is what most people want. Remaining in the community is a high priority goal for most elders. The challenge is that there might be many needs to be met to achieve this goal. Parents and children need to talk to each other about aging-related issues so that the parents can gracefully and securely remain at home. Here...