Divorce and Disabilities
When Divorce Is the Only Answer and a Family Member Has Disabilities
by Linda Ershow-Levenberg, Certified Elder Law Attorney (C.E.L.A.)
Updated August, 2020
Practice Area: Family Law
When a marriage is beyond repair, legal assistance is needed to assist you to protect your interests with...
CARES Act Cash Payments Raise Questions for SSI and Medicaid
As the CARES Act implementation gears up, one question that we elder law attorneys have had was how the cash payments would affect ongoing eligibility for means-tested benefits like SSI and Medicaid. These are the “economic impact payments” being sent to taxpayers. If you get benefits from a program with a resource limit of $2000 and you get another $1,200 automatically, will...
Are You Insured Under The Social Security Disability Program
How To Know If You Are Insured Under The Social Security Disability Programby Linda Ershow-Levenberg, Certified Elder Law Attorney (C.E.L.A.)February 2011Before you file an initial application for Social Security Disability benefits, you must make sure that you are insured under that program.You have to have paid into the SS system for at least 40...
Social Security Disability FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions About Social Security DisabilityFebruary 2012Q. What are the basic rules to apply for Social Security Disability benefits?A. The basic requirements are as follows:You are not working due to a severe, medically-documented impairment;You previously worked for a sufficient number of quarters to be insured under this...
Why Guardianship is Important
How To Get Guardianship for Loved Ones who have Intellectual Disabilities,and Why It Is Important
Your adult child or loved one needs Guardianship to be registered in the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) System.
3-night stay requirement waived for Medicare Part A subacute benefits
Medicare Part A covers post-hospitalization, subacute skilled care and rehabilitation benefits for individuals who were admitted to the hospital and remained as inpatients for at least three overnights. Upon discharge to a subacute facility with a need for ongoing skilled nursing or rehabilitative services, Medicare would cover up to 100 days of treatment including the room & board costs,...
NJ DMAHS announces initiatives to protect the most vulnerable
The State of New Jersey Department of Human Services has announced some initiatives designed to help assure continuity of care, access to medicine and nutrition assistance, for individuals who are dependent on programs such as SNAP, group homes, charity medical care, MLTSS home care and services in certain DDD-funded programs. As always, the real test will be in the details for how these...
Restrictions related to Covid-19 particularly impact elders and people with disabilities
Everything is happening so fast it’s making our heads spin. The frail, dependent aged and disabled people in our communities are having a tough time of it. Starting today, Social Security Offices are only accepting telephone contacts and online contacts. COVID – 19 SSA press release Health care providers are overwhelmed. County welfare offices are urging people to do their...