Good Reasons to Hire an Elder Law Attorney before a Nursing Home Placement is Made
The following story will illustrate why you should call an elder law attorney before a nursing home placement is made to try and avoid what happened to my client who I will call “Mary.”
Careful Consideration Should Go into Making Decisions Regarding Nursing Home Placement
If you need to select a nursing home for a loved one, there are several factors you should take into consideration.
Tips for Legal Agents (Representatives) Under Power of Attorney
So, you’ve been named as someone’s attorney-in-fact (“Agent”)… now what? To make a long answer short- it depends.
The first question any Agent must ask herself is whether the Power of Attorney document (“POA”) grants her the authority to act on the Principal’s behalf immediately (known as a durable power of attorney), or if the Power of Attorney only comes into effect upon a...
Tips on Selecting Legal Agents (Representatives) under a Power of Attorney, and the Duties Imposed on Them by Virtue of the Appointment
When you sign a Power of Attorney, the person you name to be your “attorney-in-fact” or “agent” is entrusted with certain legal obligations known as fiduciary duties to you. This is known as the Principal-Agent relationship.
Estate Planning Documents Play a Vital Role in the Life (and Death) of an Unmarried Couple
If you are in a non-traditional relationship — i.e., the unmarried couple living together for years, whether gay, straight or anyone in between — don’t you want to be the one who decides who takes care of you or manages your decisions if some catastrophe occurs? Of course you do. But if you don’t set up a plan, and you just “leave it up to the law,” the exact opposite of your...
Federal Court Rules that Married Same-Sex Widows are Entitled to Social Security Survivor Benefits
Despite the legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States on June 26, 2015, the effects of longstanding discrimination against the gay and lesbian community continue to linger at both the state and federal level. Many states legalized same-sex marriage prior to June 26, 2015, Arizona being one of them, and that is exactly where this story...
Governor Murphy Signs “LGBTQI+ Senior Bill of Rights” into Law
On March 3, 2021, Governor Murphy signed into law the LGBTQI+ Senior Bill of Rights, a sweeping civil rights law aimed at protecting New Jersey’s LGBTQI+ seniors living or thinking about moving into one of New Jersey’s 360+ long-term care facilities.